Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stirrin' up Memories... and dust!

Off and on the past couple of weeks I have tackled my garage. When I moved in here 2 1/2 years ago, I couldn't get a car in the garage for all of the boxes. With my brother's help, we managed to move the boxes around, and with a lot of stacking, I could get my truck inside. But the garage was still a wreck. I bought lots of plastic containers after that first Christmas and packed and labeled all the Christmas stuff. That helped, but it was still rough. And instead of getting better, I just seemed to be collecting more stuff. It seems like every time my child came home from college, she cleaned out her car... and stacked more stuff in my garage. After my brother's divorce, I collected boxes of his stuff out there, too.

A couple of weeks ago, inspired by my boyfriend, I went to work. I bought shelves and more plastic container. And I started going through boxes and throwing stuff away. Now, I've heard it said that teachers and preachers are the world's worst pack rats. I can't vouch for every teacher, but this one is certainly a pack rat. That first day I got rid of boxes by consolidating and tossing. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff I tossed... old lotions, partially burned candles, and papers and papers. I started packin' a container of the kid's stuff, and it was quickly full. So I piled stuff on top of the container. By the time I was finished, I'd emptied about 10 boxes, packed 3 or 4 containers, and pretty much filled up my two new shelves. Soon there was another trip to Lowe's... more shelves... more containers. I found my poetry books that I used teaching high school... and a box of my student's poetry. Poems they had written for me, about me, and about their lives. Notes, books, books, and more books. I found (and threw away) notebook paper that was at least 17 years old. Pictures... lots of pictures. I tried not to look at too much... just make decisions... save or toss.

Decisions... I have a real problem with those. I mean, I have trouble deciding what I want for dinner. Going through 20+ years of stuff was HARD! Over my 27 years of teaching school, I've taught so many different things. Elementary school, junior high reading, junior high English, high school reading, high school English, and ESL. And I have books for all of 'em. Most of the elementary stuff I've taken to school, but what to do with all the stuff for teaching older students? Most teachers spend much of their own money each year for stuff for their classrooms and teaching. And when you look at 20 some odd years of teaching, it's probably an obscene amount. So there are a LOT of books, both for teachers and students, still boxed in my garage. I truly believe I'll end my teaching career in the very classroom in which I'm teaching now... but just in case!

When the dust settled Monday afternoon, there were probably 20 empty boxes (at least) littering the floor, a full trash can, and several boxes of trash. There are now four full sets of shelves, where everything is either boxed or packed in plastic. And lots and lots and lots of empty floor space. I also swept up who knows how many dust pans full of dirt, dobber nests, and dead grassy cobwebs. At present, there is still only room for one vehicle, but after the kid comes in this weekend and tosses or packs away her pile of stuff, there should be room for two... provided the second isn't as big as mine! All in all, it was an exercise in memories vs usage, but it was well worth it. And when I finally get two cars in there... I'll take a picture!


Anonymous said...

my mom and pa-in-law are pack rats, I'm setting pa-in-laws barn on fire when he dies!

y'all have a big ole turkey day.

Love he pic on the top, ny fave, very pretty

Vickie said...

This so reminds me of a poem... esp. since you talked about poems here. I'd like to say i am very proud of you and I do know how HARD it can be. Well Done and Congrats...xoxoxox

Travelling down the memory lane
is not all black 'n white.
Travelling down the memory lane
is not all lacking light.

Travelling down the memory lane
is not eye filled with tears.
Travelling down the memory lane
brings fresh and soothing air.

Travelling down the memory lane
is college, fun and friend.
Travelling down the memory lane
is full of curves and bends.

Travelling down the memory lane
is a test of time and mind
Travelling down the memory lane
is a joy of it's kind.

The Lizard Boss said...

Inspiration was the easy part. I'm so proud of all the work you did, and decisions you made! And there was a LOT of both involved!!

jam said...

pat yourself on the back for a job well done. hard to go through stuff. when i help someone with this keep; toss; give. i hope your thanksgiving was good. i didnt know you were a grandmother? maybe, i'll see you at mcturks this weekend. take care.

Tiggs said...

Hey girl... you still around? I sure hope so! Give me a shout if you are. I'd love to hear from you!
